International Dental Journal of Student's Research


Table of Contents

Year-2018 | Volume: 6 | Issue 4

Strategic planning of a dental clinic in India

Author : Shalu Jain, Stuti Mohan, Pradeep Raghav, Sumit Aggarwal, Neelu Garg, Shruti Choudhary

Doi :   Page No : 74-76

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1767)] [Download (1047)]

Extent of awareness regarding periodontal disease in patients of diabetes mellitus

Author : Anuradha Arun Khakre, Anup Shelke, Vijaykumar Girhe, Kshama Chandurkar, Rohit Kulshrestha, Vinay Uma

Doi :   Page No : 85-91

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