Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2019
Article Page : 75-78
Class II skeletal relation present with mandibular retrusion as a common etiological problem. Myofunctional appliances remain the main treatment methodology for growing patients with such problems. But when the patient reports at the penultimate end of growth curve or is non compliant, fixed functional appliances for mandibular advancement become the treatment method of choice. The present case is of a 14 year male with the chief compliant of irregular and forwardly placed teeth. On examination a skeletal and dental Class II relation with crowded anteriors was observed. Extraction of all 1st premolars to relieve crowding along with 0.022 MBT prescription was used initially, followed by application of Powerscope Appliance for mandibular advancement. Significant improvemrnt of facial profile was seen due to forward displacement of mandible with the Powerscope Appliance. Thus it can be concluded that Powerscope Appliance is a useful novel innovation in the field of fixed functional appliances which can be successfully used to treat Class II patients.
Keywords: Class II malocclusion, Fixed functional appliance, Powerscope.
How to cite : Majumder P, Singh A, A case report on treatment of class II jaw discrepancy with dental crowding with powerscope appliance. Int Dent J Stud Res 2019;7(3):75-78
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