Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2018
Article Page : 66-67
“Mucormycosis” is an opportunistic infection caused by fungi belonging to the Mucorales order, and was first described by “Paultauf” in 1885.3 It is the third invasive mycosis after candidiasis and aspergillosis and having high mortality of 70-100%, it accounts for 8.3–13% of all fungal infections.1 Immunocompromised host is typically get affected by mucormycosis but healthy patients with some form of trauma and patients who are having history of environmental exposure can develop infection as well.4
The present article reports a case of “right side maxillary mucormycosis” which was successfully managed surgically in M.A. Rangoonwala dental college, Pune.
Keywords: Mucormycosis, Fungal infection, Opportunistic infection.
How to cite : Garde J B , Bhagwat H , Vadane A , Gaikwad S , Invasive mucormycosis [zygomycosis] and osteomyelitis affecting maxilla: A rare case report. Int Dent J Stud Res 2018;6(3):66-67
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