Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2018
Article Page : 38-41
The maxillary permanent canine is second only to the third molar in frequency of impaction, with a prevalence of approximately 2 per cent of the population; the palatal canine impaction being 85% of the impacted canines. The orthodontist treating patients with palatally impacted canines usually strives to build a complex treatment plan, based on uncomplicated and biological orthodontic and surgical techniques. The aim of the present case report is to demonstrate the potential of the orthodontic treatment of impacted canine with fixed appliance and open surgical technique for stimulation of physiological eruption of palatally impacted canine. This is a case of 12 year old female patient with maxillary bilateral canine impaction, the right maxillary canine was impacted palatally and the left canine buccally respectively, being treated by surgical exposure and fixed orthodontic therapy.
Keywords: Impacted canine, Orthodontically guided eruption.
How to cite : Majumder P, Singh A, Sharma M, Chokotiya H, Gupta M D, Case report on orthodontic treatment of a unique case of bilateral maxillary canine impaction, one buccal and another palatal. Int Dent J Stud Res 2018;6(2):38-41
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