Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2017
Article Page : 91-95
The benefits of Adenotonsillectomy on Dentofacial development have been observed both in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in children and adults. Obstructive hypertrophy of the tonsils and adenoids can lead to facial imbalances, such as horizontal position of the mandible, raised position of the head, low posture of the hyoid bone and anterior inferior position of the tongue. In our study we evaluated the changes in maxillary arch dimensions, posterior transverse inter arch discrepancy, upper and lower incisor inclination in patients with and without Adeno/tonsillectomy. Three groups were formed: Group I:(n=10) = participants indicated for (Adeno/tonsillectomy) but did not proceed with the same. Group II: (n=10) = participants undergoing tonsillectomy. Group III: (n=10) =participants undergoing Adeno tonsillectomy. The duration of study was 20 months.
Result: Maxillary Arch Dimensions increased, PTID decreased, Upper and Lower incisors retroclined when evaluated before and 9 months after Adeno/tonsillectomy procedure, while exactly opposite results were observed in the control group.
Conclusion: All the results suggested that Adeno/tonsillectomy procedures carried out at the right time (pre-pubertal) has overall positive effects on the dental arch dimensions. It prevents many forms of malocclusion from developing on one hand and on the other it also helps in correcting certain forms of malocclusion, if left untreated the obstruction of the airway has deleterious effects on overall facial profile.
Keywords: Adeno/tonsillectomy.
How to cite : Showkat B, Rahalkar J S, Jethe S, Manerikar R, Evaluation of changes in maxillary arch dimensions, Posterior Transverse Inter Arch Discrepancy (PTID), upper and lower incisor inclination in patients with and without adeno/tonsillectomy: A quasi experimental study. Int Dent J Stud Res 2017;5(4):91-95
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