Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 29-35
The absence of an apical constriction and the divergent apical architecture of the root canal hamper complete debridement, canal disinfection and obturation. In the past, calcium hydroxide was currently used to create a root- end barrier, but there are some disadvantages. Since its invention, the MTA has been popularized in endodontic because of its excellent properties.
This article presents a detailed case report of the use of a collagenic matrix prior to placement of MTA as an apical barrier and a second case without the use of the matrix.
Keywords: MTA, Matrix collagenic, Apexification, Open apice
How to cite : Tebbeb N, Abdelmoumen E, Zouiten S, Gnaba I, Boughzela A, The contribution of collagen matrix in apexification with MM-MTA®. Int Dent J Stud Res 2017;5(1):29-35
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