Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 14-18
Introduction: Dental caries is a bacterial disease of the calcified tissues of the teeth characterized by demineralization of the inorganic portion and destruction of the organic substance of the tooth and the first permanent molar the first victim of getting carious due to its early involvement. Caries has been known that is caused by bacteria fermenting food, producing acids and dissolving tooth mineral.
Objective: The first permanent molars are extremely influential dental structures in maxillofacial growth and development, and in the oral health status.
Aim: to assess the Prevalence of First Permanent Molar Caries Among 7-year old Children in Al-Qassim Province and its possible relation to the different levels of S. mutans (SM)and Lactobacilli (LB), salivary buffer capacity and salivary Ph.
Material & Methods: a cross sectional analytical study design. With a total of 243 children, aged 6-7 year old selected from different schools randomly. Clinical examination of children was conducted to assess dental caries, and saliva was collected to assess S. mutans levels, lactobacilli, salivary PH, and buffering capacity of saliva. Results: Prevalence of carious first permanent molars was high 153 (63%). No statistically significant difference revealed by chi-square test between carious first permanent molars and Ph. A statistical significant difference was found between carious first permanent molars and saliva buffer capacity. Must patients had high buffer capacity. Chi-square test revealed that the relation between caries and SM levels was highly statistically significant at P<0.001 same thing was found in relation with LB. Children with carious first permanent molars tend to have a higher number of SM and LB in saliva than children with sound first permanent molars.
Conclusion: The Prevalence of First Permanent Molar Caries Among 7-year old Children in Al-Qassim Province is high. Levels of SM and LB were also higher; this result gives an indication that there is a higher risk for those children to develop more caries in their permanent teeth in the future. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of early intervention and educational programs, which should be implemented even before the FPMs erupt (4- to 5-year-old children).
Keywords: DentalCaries, First permanent molar, Lactobacilli, Streptococcus mutans, salivary buffering capacity and Salivary PH
How to cite : Aljabr A A, Alammar A Y, Marshud K A, Prevalence of first permanent molar caries and streptococcusmutans & lactobacillus level among 6- 7 year old School Children in Qassim province Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Int Dent J Stud Res 2017;5(1):14-18
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