Short Communication
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2023
Article Page : 40-43
Maxillectomy defects are the most common results in oro-nasal communication, which leads to an expected change in speech tone, difficulty in mastication, and deglutition. These affect the quality of life of the patient and also impact them psychosocially in a long run. The most common management of maxillectomy patients for both complete and partial is by maxillary obturator prosthesis. To reduce the weight of the obturators various procedures of hollowing are present in literature. In this article, we will discuss an alternate and innovative laboratory technique for the fabrication of closed hollow obturator which will reduce the time of both dental technicians and clinicians.
Keywords: Obturator fabrication, Closed hollow obturator, Obturator fabrication with elastomers
How to cite : Ahmed A, Devi M S, Fabricating 2 piece closed hollow obturator with elastomeric impression material: An innovative dental technique. Int Dent J Stud Res 2023;11(1):40-43
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Received : 25-11-2022
Accepted : 29-12-2022
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