Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2022
Article Page : 96-101
Background: Teeth are an integral part of facial aesthetics involved in complex social, cultural & psychological interaction. Of all, in latest, tooth color measurement has attracted attention in the ?eld of dentistry for assessing age.
Aims: To assess the correlation between the enamel color and chronological age and to evaluate the age of an individual from enamel color.
Settings and Design: This was a cross sectional study that included a total of 200 individuals attending the outpatient Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology.
Materials and Methods: The individuals were divided into five groups based on age with 40 in each group. Inclusion criteria comprised of healthy maxillary central, lateral incisor, canine, premolar and molar teeth that were free from cavities, fracture, endodontically treated teeth and those free from stain were selected. The tooth shade was recorded using Vitapan classical shade guide. Firstly, value of the color was assessed followed by hue and then chroma.
Statistical Analysis Used: Numerical scrutiny was conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Comparison and correlation of the definite variables between the groups was done by Pearson Chi?square test.
Results: For central and lateral incisor common shade was B2 and for canine teeth all the groups had A3 shade and results obtained was statistically significant except for the premolars with B2 was the most common shade for groups I, II and IV, but the B1 (yellowish hue) shade was common in group 2 and C2 shade was common in group V with statistically significant results. For molars B2 was the most common shade for groups I – IV with C2 shade was common in group V with statistically significant results.
Conclusions: Natural tooth color can be used as an effective means of age estimation.
Keywords: Tooth, Age estimation, Shade guide, Enamel color, Forensic dentistry
How to cite : Sowmya Gv, Mathur S, Mathur K, Objective dimension of tooth color in forensic age estimation: An observational study. Int Dent J Stud Res 2022;10(3):96-101
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Received : 20-07-2022
Accepted : 30-07-2022
Viewed: 840
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