Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 152-157
Background: WHO declared COVID-19 as a worldwide pandemic, As a measure to control the spread of the disease, national emergencies and lockdowns have been declared in many countries. Dental appointments were suspended considering risk of transmission sand orthodontic patients have been stranded with only emergency services been provided to them, unlike the scheduled appointments. This can affect the total duration of the treatment and can affect the mental attitude and tend to increase the apprehensive behaviour amongst patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.
Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the impact and attitude of COVID-19 lockdown among patients undergoing active orthodontic treatment.
Materials and Methods: A self-designed questionnaire consisting of 10 questions, was widely circulated among the orthodontic patients using communication media such as Whatsapp, messaging apps and via mails. Only 208 subjects returned the questionnaire that constituted the final study sample. Participation in the study was voluntary and identification information was not collected from the study subjects.
Results: The study revealed that the majority of female patients were apprehensive, stressed and anxious owing to increased treatment duration, discomfort during the lockdown period, financial worries and treatment outcomes due to their missed follow-ups during the period of lockdown. The overall future outlook post lockdown showed anxiety amongst orthodontic patients.
Conclusion: Proper communication with patients is a must to reassure their concerns over treatment like concerns, anxiety, fear and disturbed mental well-being.
Keywords: COVID19, Orthodontics, Lockdown, Patients, Dental.
How to cite : Valekar S , Manikandan J , Phaphe S , COVID -19 lockdown and its impact on orthodontic patients. Int Dent J Stud Res 2020;8(4):152-157
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Received : 12-10-2020
Accepted : 05-12-2020
Viewed: 2018
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