Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 155-158
India records about 8 lakhs tobacco consumption related death every year (ICMR, report). The major tobacco control program includes creating awareness, reduction in tobacco production as well as banning of tobacco use in public places & control of tobacco distribution system. During the 2013s there will be estimated 1 million tobacco consumption related deaths in India and about 70% of deaths in pre-elderly consumers. Currently, tobacco is responsible for 1 in 5 of all male deaths in middle age. The Govt. of India has taken many initiatives & implemented different laws in this regard. However, very little improvement is seen suggesting an ineffective implementation of the law. The authors suggest that significant change can be gained only if the existing law is implemented effectively, therefore a separate law enforcing authority & a separate tobacco control cell at various levels may play a vital role in this regard.
Keywords: India, Tobacoo
How to cite : Choudhary S, Prasad K D, Tak J, Gupta V, Sinha A, Bali R, “Utility of Tobacco Control Program among Tobacco Sellers”. Int Dent J Stud Res 2015;3(4):155-158
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